Ramadan aid: Zakat, Fitrah, Sadaqah, Fidya

During the holy month of Ramadan, Byango Development and Charitable Organization intensifies its efforts to distribute Zakat, Fitrah, Sadaqah, and Fidya among the most needy in African communities. Your contributions during this blessed month can make a substantial difference in the lives of those less fortunate. By providing financial aid through Zakat, nourishing meals through Fitrah, benevolent gifts through Sadaqah, and compensatory support through Fidya, you are part of a sacred tradition that promotes social solidarity and religious observance. Each donation helps alleviate poverty, hunger, and distress, ensuring that the spirit of Ramadan reaches every corner of the community. Support our Ramadan aid programs to cultivate compassion and communal harmony—your generosity fosters hope and resilience among those who need it most.